Ananda Margiis celebrated Prabhat’s birthday on Sunday
Ananda Margiis from Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex celebrated Onkarnath and Seema Pandey’s son Prabhat’s birthday on Sunday, April 17 at the Ananda Marga Meditation Center. They joined three-hours Kiirtan followed by meditation and birthday celebration. Acarya Rudraprakashananda Avadhuta played Tabla and Kamal Albright played guitar during the . Ba’ba’ Na’m Kevalam’. The slideshow photos of the Prabhat’s birthday celebration, kiirtan and mditation are posted below.
Ananda Margiis from Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex celebrated Onkarnath and Seema Pandey’s son Prabhat’s birthday on Sunday, April 17 at the Ananda Marga Meditation Center. They joined three-hours Kiirtan followed by meditation and birthday celebration. Acarya Rudraprakashananda Avadhuta played Tabla and Kamal Albright played guitar during the . Ba’ba’ Na’m Kevalam’. The slideshow photos of the Prabhat’s birthday celebration, kiirtan and mditation are posted below.