Prout Workshop with Dada Pranesh
August 2009 Newsletter ESPANOL AL FONDO!
Lawrence 305 926-3578
MEDITATION WORKSHOPS Our highest octane class!
10-12 am, Saturdays, Aug 15 and Sept. 19
North Miami Library, 835 NE 132 St., North Miami
10-12 am, Sundays, Aug. 23
Charter on the Beach Middle School, 1211 Marseille Drive, Miami Beach
Prout Workshop with Dada Pranesh
Saturday, Aug. 14 9 am – 5 pm
Today as we see exploitive and repressive systems crumbling and elsewhere the horrors of religious fanaticism, it seems clear that the world needs a fresh concept, a new paradigm. “Prout” provides this vision of a socio-economic system based on humanitarian values. Dada Pranesh is in Miami to attend the Haitian Diaspora Unity Conference
Vegetarian Gourmet,Vegetarian Lunch included Donation
August 2009 Newsletter ESPANOL AL FONDO!
Lawrence 305 926-3578
MEDITATION WORKSHOPS Our highest octane class!
10-12 am, Saturdays, Aug 15 and Sept. 19
North Miami Library, 835 NE 132 St., North Miami
10-12 am, Sundays, Aug. 23
Charter on the Beach Middle School, 1211 Marseille Drive, Miami Beach
Prout Workshop with Dada Pranesh
Saturday, Aug. 14 9 am – 5 pm
Today as we see exploitive and repressive systems crumbling and elsewhere the horrors of religious fanaticism, it seems clear that the world needs a fresh concept, a new paradigm. “Prout” provides this vision of a socio-economic system based on humanitarian values. Dada Pranesh is in Miami to attend the Haitian Diaspora Unity Conference
Vegetarian Gourmet,Vegetarian Lunch included Donation
RSVP and info: 952 583-1399, 305 804-6262
6 pm Open Meditation, Talk and Dinner
Here’s our new “homework”, along with regular meditation of course. You who have not been coming may want to be a “player” too. This game is no joke! As we grow in consciousness, our personality, with all its ingrained bad habits and living in a degenerate world, needs some extra attention. The inner path is all about transformation.
Game Rules:
Carry a shell, or any other object, in your pocket. Every time you insult, put down or unnecessarily criticize someone, including yourself, then …simply transfer THE SHELL to your other pocket. Don’t kick yourself of try to take back your words, just change THE SHELL. Feel free… insult Bush, your ex, Auntie So-and-so, the neighbor, whoever…just change THE SHELL again.
THE SHELL GAME works with the first of 10 disciplines in the Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali– AHIMSA or NON-INJURY. Of course, the essential teaching of AHIMSA is to raise our vibrations through Meditation, and thereby create a life-supporting influence around us and throughout our own body and mind. However, as we grow in subtlety and power of thought , we need to cultivate positive thoughts and words. Come to future classes so you can get in on the next step of THE SHELL GAME.
Yoga and Meditation Classes continue:
“Yoga Familiar en Espanol” (Come and experience my funny Spanish.)
6 pm Wednesdays, Aug. 26 and Sept. 2
11 am Saturdays, Aug. 1 and Sept. 26
JFK Hialeah Library, 190 W 49 Street, Hialeah
7-8:30 pm every Tuesday
North Miami Library, 835 NE 132 St., North Miami
7-8:30 pm every Thursday $5
Charter on the Beach Middle School, 1211 Marseille Dr., Miami Beach 33141
Astro Trends for August: The re- entry of Jupiter back into its debilitation sign of Aquarius, and that too in retrograde motion, could have an adverse impact on the economy. Poor economic figures could come out at the end of August and September. Possible turmoil in US politics. Some disturbance worldwide.
Seminarios de Meditacion
“Esfortalece su meditacion, es una verdadera salvavida en tiempos dificiles. Natural y sin esfuerzo, transcendental en su alcance, de beneficios increibles.”
10-12 am, Sabados, Ag 15 and Sept 19
North Miami Library, 835 NE 132 St., North Miami
10-12 am, Domingos, Agosto 23
Charter on the Beach Middle School, 1211 Marseille Drive, Miami Beach
Yoga and Meditation Classes continue:
“Yoga Familiar en Espanol”
6 pm Miercoles, Ag 26 and Sep 2
11 am Sabados, Ag 1 and Sep 26
JFK Hialeah Library, 190 W 49 Street, Hialeah
7-8:30 pm cada martes
North Miami Library, 835 NE 132 St., North Miami
7-8:30 pm cada jueves $5
Charter on the Beach Middle School, 1211 Marseille Dr., Miami Beach 33141
El Juego de las Conchas
El Juego de la Concha no es un juego! Es para nuestra trasformacion. Es para eliminar los malos habitos acumulado en este mundo de tanta influencia contraproductivo. El NO HERIR es el primer de 10 disciplinas en el libro YOGA SUTRAS. A traves de la meditacion subimos la calidad de nuestra influencia en el mundo y se realize el NO HERIR. Sin embargo, aquellos mal habitos siempre levantan sus cabezas, verdad? Asi, viene el primer juego para disciplinar….la lengua mal comportada:
Reglas del Juego:
Llevar una concha u otro objeto en el bosillo. Cada vez que critica innecesariamente a otro ( o a ti mismo) cambia la concha al otro bosillo. No te reganas para haber olvidado, simplemente cambia la concha!
Los Astros para Agosto:
El regreso del benefico Jupiter a su signo de debilitacion, Acuario, puede tener una influencia negative en la economia durante Agosto y Septiembre. Podibilidad de disturbios en la politica y en el mundo.