Michelle Olree
1. Please introduce yourself.

My name is Michelle, I am 28 years old and I have been doing yoga with Dada for a few months now and it has helped me tremendously.
I am living and working in Malta for about 3.5 years and got to know Meditation and Yoga especially since I am here. Right now I am working in Igaming as a SEO Onsite Strategist and I am owning an online blog/ magazine called: “The Mindful Magazine.”
2. How does yoga help you?

Yoga and meditation help me focus in my work. I feel more calm, which is a great statement for someone with a restless mind. I feel more confident in my skills and I work much faster than I did before yoga. Besides that I feel in general I am more understanding with people and I can handle much more situations by reacting to it in a quiet manner. If I do get more frustrated, I correct myself faster and it is as if I can observe my own thoughts and intentions better.
3. When did you begin learning yoga?

I started with Yoga about 2.5 years ago, when I had a full-time abonnee on a gym where they had several classes. I decided to join Yoga and never went back. Since then I joined several Yoga Classes on the island which serve for different purposes. I found that Yoga with Dada helps with my overall health, a calm state and my spiritual growth. I feel a better person and much more happy than before.
4. Where did you learn?

As mentioned above I learned Yoga in a gym where there was a quite intense class of Yoga. It was more fitness based but they corrected all my postures and learned a lot from it. After that I joined many Yoga classes and had private lessons. I learned from many people and instructors and all my experiences have been great.
5. What are the benefits of yoga asanas and meditation?

Very short, I feel healthy, happy and in shape.
6. How often do you practice yoga asanas and meditation?
A few times a week. I meditate almost every day if possible and the yoga asanas I do at least two times a week.
7. Does yoga help you for your work?

Yes, I am much faster with my tasks and can handle a lot more pressure as I never feel I am stressed anymore. I feel I can do it all and if not, I am more honest about how much responsibilities I can handle.
8. Does it help you for health and mind?

It does as I feel that I am more fit and flexible. My mind is calm, my intuition is a lot better.
9. Does it help you to manage your stress and anxiety?

When I am having a down day, a yoga class with Dada definitely helps me feel better. I feel more happy and accomplished.
10. Do you recommend others to join the classes?

Absolutely, even though it is not the usual fitness classes that people expect, these yoga asanas have real benefits and after a few classes you can feel it. This is a yoga that makes your chakras, your health and overall happiness much stronger. I send many to his classes already and I would send more if I can.
11. What is your goal of your life?

I like SEO and writing. One day I want to write a book or even more. I would like my magazine to reach a larger audience to spread happiness and to start my own company one day! A lot, I know but it makes me feel passionate at life.
Michelle Olree attends yoga classes at the Ananda Marga Yoga and Meditation Center, Gzira.
Interviewed by Acarya Shubhacetanananda Avadhuta